Saturday, September 17, 2016

Mixing it up

I love mixing up my workouts! It helps me not get bored and gives me something to look forward to. I love (hate) BBG workouts, but I love doing other things too!

One of my favorite types of workouts is hiking! You get a great leg workout in AND you get an amazing view...not just your yoga mat in your living room. I can't really explain the feeling I get when I get to my destination and then finish the hike. I get such a high and I crave more. I love beautiful things and Utah is a gem.

One of my favorite hikes is Lake Blanche. You hike about 3.5 miles to Lake Blanche and about 2700 feet in elevation gain. So it's a good climber!
Check out Alltrails for more details.

I always pack a snack and bring lots of water for any hike that I do. It's so important to be prepared!

Killer Ab workout

Every Saturday in September I've been going to a fitness class hosted by Meg from I have learned so much! I've got a few more workouts up my sleeve! One that I really like and want to do every day is this killer ab workout. I'm going to do it every day for a month and keep track of the results.

Here's what you do:

Complete 8 different ab exercises doing eight reps fast and eight reps slow. So do 8 fast crunches then 8 slow crunches. Then move to the next exercise and continue the 8 fast 8 slow pattern. Feel the burn!

Here's an idea of some exercises:

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Protein Balls/bites

I love love love protein bites! They are my absolute favorite snack and it takes all of my will power not to eat them all in one night! I've tried quite a few different recipes and I've noticed that the base is pretty much the same.

1 cup oats
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/4-1/2 cup of honey.

I love adding lots of stuff to mine like
dark chocolate chips, coconut flakes, protein powder, raw pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds...

The more the better! If it gets too tough it's easy to add a little bit more pb or honey.

Leave in the fridge for a least 30 minutes and then enjoy!

Fitness log

I thought I'd do a little fitness log to keep track of my workouts. I love seeing what I've accomplished. It motivates me to keep going! So a long list of workouts I've done will be great for me! :)

Week 9/12-9/18

Monday: Kayla Itsines (BBG) week 4 legs.
Tuesday: 2 ish mile hike to the timp waterfalls. 15 minutes on the bike.
Wednesday: BBG week 4 Arms & Abs
Thursday: Run 1.3 miles
Friday: BBG week 4 full body + hike to Mount Aire
Saturday: Momstrong full body/cardio workout
Sunday: rest and yoga

Week 9/19-9/25

Monday: BBG week 5 legs
Tuesday: hike to Lake Solitude and Ensign Peak
Wednesday: BBG week 5 arms and abs
Thursday: Butt workout (Ballet Beautiful)
Friday: BBG week 5 ab's and cardio
Saturday: Momstrong workout
Sunday: rest and yoga

Week 9/26-10/2

Monday: Little bit of abs
Tuesday: hike and cycling class
Wednesday: Ab's and cardio. Hike
Thursday: hike
Friday: Legs and cardio
Saturday: rock climb or long run (trail run?)
Sunday: rest and yoga

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Favorite Protein Shake

When people ask what is my favorite food I almost always say "protein shake!"

I think I've got it down pretty good!

Here's what I do:

1-2 cups of Almond Milk
1 frozen banana
1 TB of Peanut butter
1 scoop of Chocolate protein powder
1 scoop of Vanilla protein powder

Blend and enjoy!